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#Repost @makemusichk with @make_repost ・・・ 今集音樂節嘉賓主持資深音樂文化教育人黃志淙走出Studio,一邊行山一邊訪問香港搖滾樂團KOLOR。呢個訪問形式夠晒新鮮!走出城市森林,KOLOR將同香港樂迷與海外嘅觀眾分享他們組樂團的歷程同夾Band帶來嘅滿足感。 本土樂隊KOLOR是一支四人組合的流行搖滾樂隊,成員包括主音蘇浩才 (Sammy )、結他手羅灝斌( Robin)、低音吉他手謝日昇(Sing)以及鼓手朱偉初( Michael )。樂隊名稱KOLOR象徵4人不同的個性以及不同形式的音樂性。 立即去YouTube睇完整訪問: Make Music Hong Kong: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKL_o2Gt2qeFiKGihjCGuQQ? wow and flutter: https://www.youtube.com/c/wowandflutterhk 聽日(6月20日)下午6點,記得準時上YouTube睇KOLOR嘅演出! Today the setting of the interview is very different. Our guest host Dr. Wong Chi Chung goes out of the studio and concrete jungle to interview Canto Rock Band KOLOR while they hike.They talk about how they form the band, their visions and what bring them together as a band. KOLOR is a four-man canto rock band formed in 2005. Band member includes vocalist and guitarist Sammy So, guitarist Robin Law, bassist Sing Tse and drummer Michael Chu. The name of Kolor came from the word Color, which represents their diversities both musically and personally. To watch the full interview, head over to Make Music Hong Kong and wow and flutter's YouTube channels! Stay tuned for KOLOR’s live performance tomorrow on June 20, 6pm! #MMHK #MakeMusicHongKong #makemusichk #fêtedelamusique2020 #fetedelamusique #WorldMusicDay #musiclovers #hkgigs #onlineconcert #onlinelivemusic #streamingmusic @sammysokolor @singztse @robinlaw @kolor_official @wowandflutterhk @ccchoice

#Repost @makemusichk with @make_repost ・・・ 今集音樂節嘉賓...

📢工廠速速報📰 一直以來只能在現場聽到 🍃The Law of the jungle🍃 為了不讓🍜荷粉🍜不開心 工廠決定產出來 買個陽春麵少2塊必須往前走 一年換24個老闆生活還是要過 換了一個市長卻什麼都沒變 我們依舊需要往前走 晚上10:00請注意 #薄荷綠工廠 #曙光祭 #額頭太亮到底誰可以 #裡面有個隱藏人物大家知不知道是誰

📢工廠速速報📰 一直以來只能在現場聽到 🍃The Law of the jungle🍃 為了不讓🍜...